Discover the HBO documentary The Number on Great-Grandpa’s Arm. This short family film introduces Holocaust history to a new generation. When 10-year-old Elliott asks his 90-year-old great-grandfather, Jack, about the number tattooed on his arm, he sparks an intimate conversation about Jack’s life that spans happy memories of childhood in Poland, the loss of his family, surviving Auschwitz, and finding a new life in America. Their tender exchange is woven with historical footage and hand-painted animation to tell a heartbreaking story of Jewish life in Eastern Europe before and during the Holocaust. Following the film, we will have a chance to hear from Elliot as he shares his thoughts about his Great-Grandfather and his decision to share his family story with the world. During the program, we will present a brief 18 min film.
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Sponsor: The Jewish Federation of Somerset, Hunterdon, & Warren Counties