Congregation Knesseth Israel in Bound Brook invites Jewish singles, couples, & families in our area to join us as we participate in NJOP's "Shabbat Across America" event, taking place on March 3 at hundreds of synagogues across the continent!
Enjoy a "taste of Shabbat" with us as we share a delicious meal and Rabbi Kramer leads us in an explanatory service. We will end the evening sharing good company and dessert at an Oneg Shabbat.
At 6:30 pm, a kosher chicken dinner with traditional side dishes will be served. Please arrive at 6:15 pm so everyone can be seated and comfortable in time for dinner. The costs are $8 for adults, $5 for under 13. RSVP for dinner by February 24 to
The Shabbat Service starts at 8:00 pm and is open to all.
Sponsor: Congregation Knesseth Israel