“Prayer and our Holy Texts in Judaism and Islam: The Qu’ran and the Torah”
Judaism and Islam both base their religious beliefs on holy text: The Qu’ran for Muslims and the Torah for Jews. We will learn more about the role of both of these holy books and will study texts from both of them. We will hear the Torah chanted in Hebrew from the scroll and the Qu’ran chanted in Arabic. We will also study the role of prayer, the prayer traditions and some of the key prayers in both faith traditions.
Facilitators: Rabbi Debra Smith & Dr. Ali Chaudry
These events are sponsored by Jewish Family Service of Somerset, Hunterdon and Warren Counties as part of its Yearn to Learn Program, “Yearn to Learn: (Y2L) was created by retired and semi-retired persons looking for high quality, interactive learning experiences in small, local group settings, which promote stimulating group interaction, self-exploration and interpersonal connections. Programs are open to all. For more information, to register, and/or to be added to the Y2L mailing list, please contact JFS at 908-725-7799 or Admin@JewishFamilySvc.org.
Sponsor: Jewish Family Services of Somerset, Hunterdon and Warren Counties