
1 2020

JFS Job Seekers Success Group

7:00PM - 9:00PM  

Contact Elise Prezant

Jewish Family Service of Somerset, Hunterdon and Warren Counties is offering a Job Seekers Success Group for active job seekers who are unemployed, underemployed or seeking a career change. The next group will be held on Wednesday, July 1, 2020 from 7:00-9:00 p.m. This meeting will be held by a virtual format via Zoom.
The topic for this session is “Preparing for the Future Job Market” presented by Harold Levin, Staffing Manager, SmartStaff Personnel.

Points of discussion will include: What do you do if your job suddenly was terminated due to the Covid-19 crisis and you have reason to believe it will not return? How does the current crisis impact those of you who were already unemployed? Where does this leave college seniors (or those who were completing a training class or vocational program who have just graduated (or are about to graduate)? What are some networking ideas which can be implemented even with most of our region locked down at present? Resume preparedness is always important and even more so now when there are additional candidates competing with you. Realistic approaches to surfing available job opportunities. To summarize, there is never a perfect time to search for a job but it is a fact of life that has been with us in the past, is bearing down on us today, and will be here through the pandemic, the return to normalcy, the good times ahead of that followed by the next crisis or life changing event.

This group is offered free of charge and are open to the entire community. Funding for this program is provided by grants from The Arnold A. Schwartz Foundation, Affinity Federal Credit Union and Magyar Bank. Registration is required to receive the Zoom invitation and to be admitted to the group. To register or for information about Career Counseling Services, please contact Elise Prezant at 908-725-7799 X108 or eprezant@JewishFamilySvc.org.

Sponsor: Jewish Family Service of Somerset, Hunterdon and Warren Counties