
8 2023

Commemorating Kristallnacht with Holocaust Survivor Mark Schonwetter

10:00AM - 11:00AM  

A Young Boy, A Dark Time, Commemorating Kristallnacht with Holocaust Survivor Mark Schonwetter 

Wednesday, November 8th, 10 am (Online)

Mark Schonwetter will share his harrowing story of survival during the Holocaust as we remember the pogrom in Germany that happened on November 9th & 10th of 1938. As a child born in Poland in 1933, Mark, his sister, and their mother survived in the ghetto, in hiding, and managed to make a beautiful life for themselves after the war. Join us to hear this first-person account from Mark Schonwetter. 

To join us for this virtual event, register here:


Sponsor: The Jewish Federation of West-Central New Jersey