The Somerset, Hunterdon and Warren County Prosecutor’s Office are co-hosting this symposium with the Jewish Federation of Somerset, Hunterdon, Warren Counties, the New Jersey Office of the Attorney General/Division of Criminal Justice and the New Jersey Bias Crimes Officers Association. This training covers how to Recognize, Respond to and Report a Bias Crime or Incident. The program will focus on identifying bias incidents on a local level, and understanding the difference between a bias crime and bias incident. A segment of the training will cover the role of community outreach, as it relates to local leaders, chaplains, interested community groups and the Human Relations Commissions. At the conclusion of the program, participants should be expected to share the learned information with other members of the community in an effort to encourage all to come foward and report bias crimes and incidents as they occur.
AUDIENCE: All Faith Based/Community Leaders, Chaplains, Interested Community Members, Law Enforcement Officers are encouraged to attend.
Registration is from 6:00 PM - 6:30 PM
Opening remarks by County Prosecutors will begin promptly at 6:30 PM.
Register for this training by using the survey monkey web link:
Seats will fill up fast, please register as soon as possible
Questions should be referred to Lauren Edelman Jewish Federation of Somerset, Hunterdon & Warren Counties Events & Special Projects Coordinator at;(908)758-2003. Or Training-Outreach Liaison David Leonardis, Prosecutors Supervision &Training Bureau, Division of Criminal Justice at, or at Office: (609) 376-2395;Cell: (609) 610-0948.
Sponsored by: JFedSHaW, NJ State Attorney general’s Office, Somerset, Hunterdon & Warren Counties Prosecutor’s Office’s, Raritan Valley Community College.